
Autus Global Vacancies

Ref Number:
European Union
Required experts:

We want to let you know about some changes in how we use, store and share the information we hold about you. 

Under the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into effect on 25 May 2018, we will have more obligations and you will have more rights about your information. In order to reflect these new regulations we now need to update our Privacy Policy and you can find a copy of the new Policy attached herewith. We recommend you read this so you can better understand how these new regulations operate.

When it comes to using our services, you don't have to do anything differently, we are just letting you know about the new GDPR regulation and the date it comes into effect; 25/5/2018. You can get further information on GDPR and how it differs from the current legislation here

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